A Guide to Visiting Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is Uganda’s national park on the eastern side of the country. It is located in Mbale district, on the borders of Uganda and Kenya.

The Ugandan side of Mount Elgon National Park was gazetted in 1992, while the Kenyan side was gazetted in 1968.

Mount Elgon National Park gets its name from Mount Elgon, which is found on the eastern side of the park. Mount Elgon is a popular attraction within the park, having the largest volcano base and caldera lake in the world. It is 80 km wide and rises to 4321 meters tall at Wagagai Peak.

The Park was gazetted in 1992 to protect several attractions, including living and nonliving things. As of today, it has Mount Elgon, the second tallest mountain in Uganda, 300 bird species, a few mammals, and primates.

Related read: Tips for Planning a Safari in Uganda

Here’s an overview:

Sisi Falls in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda..
Sisi Falls in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda..

Tourism Activities in Mount Elgon National Park

Hiking Mount Elgon

Mount Elgon is the second-tallest mountain in Uganda with the second-highest peak of 4321 meters at Wagagai peak. Mount Elgon is the second-tallest mountain in Uganda after Mount Rwenzori which has its highest peak at 5109 meters above sea level.

The mountain is the oldest and largest solitary volcanic mountain in East Africa.

Tourists require a hiking permit to climb Mount Elgon. This can be bought from the park headquarters or the Uganda Wildlife Authority reservations office in Kampala.

On the first day of hiking, hikers are driven to the starting points of the activity where they are first briefed about the rules and what to expect from the hike.

There are porters to help tourists carry excess luggage at a small fee at the start of the hiking trails.

Hiking trails on Mount Elgon include bushiyi, piswa, sipi, and sasa trails.

Hikers on Mount Elgon ascend with armed ranger guides who make sure that the hikers are safe throughout the activity.

Porters in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.
Porters in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.

For a round trip, tourists need 6 to 7 days, and the number depends on the hiking trail used and the pace. Hiking is done only during the day for about 7 to 8 hours, and the accommodation is done on campsites on the slopes of the mountain.

As hikers ascend to the summit of the mountain, they get to meet different attractions like mammals, primates, birds, rocks, water sources, and much more.

After days of hiking, hikers get to Wagagai peak which is the second-tallest peak in Uganda. At this point, hikers are allowed to take photos, record videos as they celebrate reaching their dream destinations. At the summit of Mount Elgon, hikers will find the largest caldera lake in the world with hot springs on the sides.

After enjoying some quality time at the summit, hikers use the same trails to descend the mountain and this takes a single day. While moving down the mountain they still meet a few of the attractions on the mountain as they enjoy the beautiful surrounding areas.

Hiking in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.
Hiking in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.

Bird Watching

Over 300 bird species have been recorded in Mount Elgon National Park including the endangered Lammergeyer.

The different vegetation covers within the park have acted as shelter for these birds and it is from this vegetation that these birds still get what to eat and survive. On a birding safari in Uganda, birders can try out Mount Elgon National Park to see what the park has to offer.

Related read: Best Places for Bird Watching in Uganda

For birders who are interested in watching the different bird species of Mount Elgon National Park, here is the birding checklist:

Nyanza swift, hadada ibis, grey crowned crane, lanner falcon, northern crombec, mountain yellow warbler, ayres’s hawk-eagle, Abyssinian thrush, barn owl, red chested owlet, black and white mannikin, African paradise flycatcher, little bee-eater, augur buzzard, grey-backed fiscal.

African thrush, northern grey-headed sparrow, pin-tailed whydah, malachite sunbird, Abyssinian crimsonwing, brown-capped weaver, African stonechat, brown woodland warbler, Eurasian blackcap, red-winged starling, red-billed oxpecker, white-necked raven, red-rumped swallow, common bulbul, chinspot batis, red-eyed dove.

Angola swallow, streaky seedeater, slender-billed greenbul, yellow-whiskered greenbul, red-capped robin chat, variable sunbird, white-starred robin, eastern mountain greenbul, kandt’s waxbill, white-eyed slaty flycatcher, yellow-crowned canary, western house martin, northern double-collared sunbird, black-billed weaver, pale flycatcher. 

Chestnut throated apalis, collared sunbird, white-browed robin chat, bronze sunbird, thick-billed seedeater, green-headed sunbird, baglafecht weaver, waller’s starling, buff throated apalis, African black-headed oriole, brimstone canary, cinnamon black warbler, chubb’s cisticola, green-backed camaroptera, African dusky flycatcher, northern yellow white eye.

Forest in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.
Forest in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.

Nature Walks

Tourists who are interested in seeing the hidden attractions of Mount Elgon National Park can always take part in nature walks.

The nature walks take tourists to areas that are not accessed while carrying out other park activities. The activity helps these tourists to get so close to nature as they discover different attractions.

During nature walks in Mount Elgon National Park, tourists get to visit the rocks that people used to live long time ago. Tourists also meet rivers and see lakes that get water from the mountain. Tourists also get to see different bird species as well as animals such as buffaloes, elephants, leopards, and monkeys among others.

At the bottom of the Sisi Waterfalls at the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.
At the bottom of the Sisi Waterfalls at the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.

Africa Adventure Vacations

This place is the ultimate destination for unforgettable African safaris that will blow your mind!

Based in Uganda, they are a highly-rated safari company offering incredible tours. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, culture lover, bird-watcher, luxury gorilla safari seeker, or trekking in various national parks, they have everything you need.

They specialize in customizing tours to fit your travel interests, budget, and timeframe.

Contact Africa Adventure Vacations using the form below and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Best Time to Visit Mount Elgon National Park

Tourists who are interested in exploring Mount Elgon National Park can visit it any time of the year.

Dry Season

The driest months from June to September and December to February are however the best to visit the park. These months have little or no rainfall received and plenty of sunshine which is good weather for all park activities.

The driest months of the year find the vegetation within the park dry and short which makes it easy for tourists to see most of the park attractions.

The hiking and walking trails are dry and easier to walk through which makes it easy for tourists to hike and also access most of the park areas.

Rainy Season

Tourists on a smaller budget and those who hate crowded places can visit Mount Elgon National Park during the rainy season. The rainy season happens from March to May and October to November, a time when the park is receiving plenty of rainfall and little sunshine.

Budget travelers will get discounted tour packages, however tourists should know that the rainfall makes the hiking trails muddy and slippery which makes the activity challenging.

The vegetation on the lower slopes of the mountain is tall, giving unclear views of attractions, and the roads leading to the park are in bad condition.

Chebonet falls in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.
Chebonet falls in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.

How To Get To Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is found in the eastern part of Uganda in Mbale district and can be accessed by road transport.

By road transport, the journey from Entebbe passes via Kampala, Mukono, Jinja, Iganga, and then Mbale where Mount Elgon National Park is found. It takes 5 to 6 hours to reach the park and the time taken depends on the speed of the driver and also the number of stopovers.

Related read: Tips for Planning a Safari in Uganda

Where To Stay While on a Safari in Mount Elgon National Park?

On a safari to Mountain Elgon National Park, tourists can stay in accommodations before or after visiting the park.

These lodges include Rafiki Lodge, Sipi Heritage Lodge, Mbale Resort Hotel, and Wagagai to mention but a few.

For tourists going hiking, tents are always available on the slopes of the mountain.

Forest Exploration Centre- Kapkwai in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.
Forest Exploration Centre- Kapkwai in the Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda.

Get in touch with Africa Adventure Vacations to book your trip to the Mount Elgon National Park:

Thinking of visiting a few other parks in Uganda? Check out our guides:

  • Africa Adventure Vacations

    Africa Adventure Vacations is a one-stop center for the best and most memorable African safaris. We are a renowned safari operator based in Uganda, offering exceptional tours throughout the East African region, ranging from wildlife adventures, culture, birding, luxury gorilla safaris to Kilimanjaro trekking tours. All our tours can be customized to best suit your travel needs, budget and time.

    View all posts Africa Adventure Vacations is a one-stop center for the best and most memorable African safaris. We are a renowned safari operator based in Uganda, offering exceptional tours throughout the East African region, ranging from wildlife adventures, culture, birding, luxury gorilla safaris to Kilimanjaro trekking tours. All our tours can be customized to best suit your travel needs, budget and time.

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